What’s new.
‘Wellness through the power of color’ is a concept for your everyday lifestyle and can now easily be incorporated into your day through the newest product line up: handcrafted wellness blends.
These blends are color-specific plant-based formulas made from organic materials and are sustainably manufactured with fair-trade practices utilized wherever applicable.
By delivering perfect color coordinated formulas for optimal vitality, the nature of the wellness blends emphasize the nutritional and vibrational power of color consumption. Through the knowledge that surrounds the ancient healing histories of varying indigenous cultures of the world, the human body and its energy centers can be fueled more efficiently with the concentration of benefits that come from plant-based ingredients of one or all six Chakral colors represented by the different blends.
The first set of blends that will be available for the wellness blend series are green (4th chakra, air), yellow (3rd chakra, fire), and red (1st chakra, earth). By starting with our first formula, the matcha and mushroom based Green+, we hope that it will help initiate a sense of determination to grow into your best self through the nurturing and energizing power of green!
Feel the power of green. This specialty blend contains organic direct-trade Japanese matcha, locally sourced lion’s mane, reishi, and cordycep mushrooms, +hand ground locally grown lavender buds.
Green+ has the power to energize, nurture, calm, and revitalize your mind and body through this thoughtfully crafted formula consisting of matcha, adaptogenic mushrooms, and lavender. With the antioxidant rich and energizing power of matcha, the brain function and immune system boosting mushrooms, and the relaxing therapeutic benefits of lavender, Green+ delivers a balanced dose of nutrient-dense energy to your system to help ease your mind, boost your focus, and get you moving.